Nature's Most Amazing Herb

Healing Herbs & Natural Remedies, Mid-Summer 2004

The bulk of my herbal class consisted of getting information and discussing it, rather than any 'concretely turned in' homework, as it were. The one written assignment we were given [outside of introducing ourselves the first week] was as follows....

Based on your present knowledge or past experience, write a brief report (250-500 words) on "Nature's Most Amazing Herb." If you are just starting to learn about herbs, use your favorite search engine to research at least five healing herbs and write about one that seems the most interesting.

In your report, describe the herb -- its botanical name, appearance, where and how it grows, medicinal properties, how the herb is used. Include brief historical notes (where it came from, who discovered it, when and how it first used as a medicinal herb.)

Cherry Bark

Scientific Information

Herbal and Medicinal Uses

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